
Wednesday 9 December 2015

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Film Festival

On Wednesday our whole class went on an adventure to Sylvia park.

Yesterday on Wednesday we went on a bus. and tamaki college went on a train. To Sylvia park.

On the way to Sylvia park we sng same songs like the wheels on the bus.

When we walked into the theatre I saw hundreds of chairs. I saw the biggest screen in my life then I turned and looked at the chairs. I was waiting to sit on the comfortable chair.


We watched movies made by our school on the big screen. The movie I liked the

Best of all was the Force because it was the funniest movie I ever saw.  

Friday 20 November 2015

The Museum

Learning about Dinosaurs at the  Museum

On our trip to the museum we turned into paleontologists. It was cool because me and Jezakaia  got to hold the head of a t-Rex it was

So freaky it like it was alive. We saw all different fossil.

It was so funny when Jezaakaia said I am hold poo I was laughing and laughing. It was the funniest thing I ever heard.

The t-Rex is nearly the same size as Nahea. palaeontologists are the ones that find skeletons. 

My new glasses

Thursday 22 October 2015

Navy Band

I like how the Navy Band played. They sang my favourite song Uptown Funk. 

Thursday 15 October 2015

The Best Holiday Ever

Wow! What an exciting day I had on Saturday I went to waterworld in Hamilton With  my cousin.

My best pet of my holiday was when I want to Hamilton's museum.

I felt so excited when I was building a big Lego car with my dad. It was cool when me and my baby sister were playing downstairs in the kids room with the toys.

Thursday 24 September 2015


If I want to be a politician I have to work very hard. I would have to try my best by knocking on every door to ask people to vote for me. Another way to be a politician is to be brainy and try your best.

Politicians work in both Wellington and their local electorate. Politicians  work for the  government. We give the government some money too. They give the money to the people to help them.

Thursday 10 September 2015

One hen

Kojo is a hardworking boy from Ghana  who is very poor. When kojo father passed away

he decided to sell some firewood to make some money.

When his mother receives a loan from sorne village families  she gives

a little money to her son. Kojo bought a hen then he sells some eggs at the


Kojo sells his eggs at the market and buys more hens.

Kojo studies at school for six months. He went to the bank to buy a chicken farm.kojo started a trust that gives out small loans for people who can not get a loan from a bank. Kojo gave people jobs for them to earn money.

Kojo is a hardworking boy from Ghana who is very poor. When kojo father passed away

he decided to sell some firewood to make some money.

When his mother receives  a loan from some village families she gives

a little money to her son. Kojo bought a hen then he sells some eggs at the


Kojo sells his eggs at the market and buys more hens.

Kojo studies at school for six months. He went to the bank to buy a chicken farm. Kojo started a trust that gives out small loans for people who can not get a loan from a bank. Kojo gave people jobs for them to earn money.

Friday 4 September 2015

Everybody Dance Now

Firefighter David

If you want to be a firefighter you have to fill out a long form and do all kinds of test.

To become a firefighter you have to be focussed. To be a firefighter you have to go up and down the stairs with your gear.

Firefighters respond to emergency calls in a variety of ways .

If there is people in a building  that Is on fire the firefighter comes and helps them.

If there is a cat on the tree and it can't get off the firefighter comes and helps the cat down.

Fire trucks are like a moving tool box. Fire trucks have a ladder to save people from heights.

I would not  like to be a firefighter because it would be hard work.

Friday 24 July 2015

Robin Hood

A long time ago there was a man that lived in the world he lived with some men he was not a Allowed to go downtown then he played archery against other people then he won and ran Away he showed his friends his silver trophy. 

Thursday 2 July 2015

Rainy Day Activities

This is my three rainy day activities.  one is a target one is a puzzle and one is a dice game 

Wayan rainy days activities

This is my target and I have created it with cardboard 

Wednesday 1 July 2015


Once a upon time there  was a girl that lived  in a big house and her name was ella. She had two ugly sisters. They were always mean to her then she heard something to Do.

Then she heard the king was holding a ball. She asked if she could go to to the ball. Her stepmother said you will need to find a dress. But you had to do lots of jobs first. She found a dress but her ugly sisters ripped it up. Then she went in her room and sat by the cinders then her fairy godmother appeared. Cinderella looked at her. She said what happened. Her Fairy godmother I want to go to the Ball. she said least  I can help you she waved her wand At the pumpkin. She waved the wand at her but you have to come back before midnight. Cinderella got to go to the ball. She was dancing with the prince, then the bell rang. I have to go she said. Her shoe feet off her foot. Then a  person picked it up. They found a big house so he went in the house. He asked  Cinderella and the ugly sisters. Her sisters tried it on. Her stepmother said if one of you Fit it you can marry the prince. Then Cinderella came out she put it on and

She fit it. She got to marry the prince and they lived happily ever after.

Thursday 11 June 2015

Yummy milo

The milo was yummy and delicious it was very good for me.


1. Put a teaspoon of milo in the cup .

2. Boil the jug with water in it.

3. Then put the milk in.

4. Then you can drink it carefully .

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Frozen Ice

The spider web looks juicy. It looks like it is yummy to drink.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Maui and the sun

A long time ago Maui and his brothers lived in Aotearoa and

it was dark they did not get to eat or to hunt. Maui had

an idea. We could slow the sun down. Then the sun said that you are killing me. "I don't care," said Maui. Then they got to finish eating and hanging.


Wednesday 27 May 2015

Weather Reports

Get rain jackets and gumboots because winter is coming on it's way. Keep warm when you are going somewhere. Auckland had a big storm before and

trees had been falling down on to the ground.     

Thursday 21 May 2015

Rainbow Fish

The rainbow fish swim past the other fish when the fish said something to the rainbow fish. 

Finger puppets

Yesterday I we made finger puppets.        


He is a good character and he is amazing. his name is Luke NOLA and he is a famous inventor.

Thursday 14 May 2015

The lion king

The Lion king has  long fur and it has scared claws to it looks like it is scare.

But it is not it is cute like a baby.  I like the lion king because it is cute

And it has cute eyes. 

Tuesday 5 May 2015

The new princess

                      It is the day when princess Elizabeth had a new baby  the baby's name was Charlotte Diana


Wednesday 1 April 2015

Hokulea landed

We went to the beach to see the Hokulea. We had to sit on the wet grass we did high

Fiveds to the Hawaii people, then went to school and then we had morning tea.

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Flying butterfly

Class 15's monarch butterfly  flew  off  to find a safe place to lay its egg.

The school Picnic

On Friday we went  to the beach and we made  a sand castle.

And I saw Miss Eddie's mermaid and then I went back to school.

Wednesday 11 March 2015